What is the Create Asset Action in a Scene?

I’ve overlooked this action and have become curious now.

You can create trigger (for example a button) for the Scene layer to “Create Asset”. In the Scene’s Action properties, It shows fields such as URI and positioning to bind to. I wasn’t really able to find documentation on what this is for.

Has anyone used this or can someone shed some light on how this can be used? Thanks much!

Hi Alex,
This action allows to create on the fly a specific asset.
The URI is the asset source (the path location of the asset on your machine). In this example below, I have an image on my desktop I want to reference. So this will create an image asset when I press the button. I do not use bindings but I could bind the URI to another asset in my experience.

The X and Y is the position on the scene of the assets to be created (here I choose the center of the scene so 960 x 540 Y for an HD experience but again you could bind it to another item).

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Thanks @Chloe!
This is really helpful. I’ll have to think of ways to use this.

So this seems to give the same functionality as the “Tap Item to Open” in a collection? So if it’s a video, it will have the basic play/reset button on it?

Kind of cool, I appreciate it!

So this seems to give the same functionality as the “Tap Item to Open” in a collection? So if it’s a video, it will have the basic play/reset button on it?

—> yes it will.

This is the action we use in the Twitter interface asset when you tap an image in the tweet it will create an asset of that image.

If we had used a “tap item to open” on the twitter feed’s asset grid, it would have opened the whole tweet group not just the image.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Great info, thanks again @Chloe

Pretty cool stuff. Is there a way to accomplish the same thing with an intuiface Collection containing various Assets? So for instance if you want multiple people to interact with a large screen. Whenever a person touches the screen, a menu appears with options for that user. If somebody else walks up and touches the same screen, another menu appears for that user, etc…with a limit to the number of copies.

Unfortunately, the Create Asset is used only for simple Asset like images, video etc. Not a “complex” element like a group of elements (your menu).

It’s still doable to create a Menu that shows on the exact position where the screen is touched, but if you want to display X menus for X users touching X points, it will be tedious as you will have to create them all before and show/hide them, dealing with a counter etc.



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Is it possible to somehow add drawing tools to a Created Asset after it is invoked to appear on a scene?

The newly created asset has only simple interaction options: move, resize and close, you can’t add drawing tools on it.